Sand Castle: Chapter 2

The next day, I arrived at Piazza Tre Martiri, twenty-five minutes earlier, and I feared. What if Tom doesn't show up? What if he thinks that I'm not pretty or funny enough? Or what if he met another girl last night, prettier and smarter than me, and he forgot about our plans for today? This was a real agony. I was torturing myself with these questions for twenty minutes, and after twenty minutes of waiting, Tom showed up on the corner. In his ripped jeans, a white T-shirt, a black backpack on his back, and a camera in his hand, he looked like a Greek God. "Hi!" he said. "Hi!" I said with a big smile on my face. "I'm sorry for being late and keeping you waiting," Tom apologized. "No, you're not late. We are both early. It's not even ten o'clock yet," I said, and it was true, it was 9:55. "These are for you," Tom said, and he gave me a bouquet of sunflowers with a blue string. "Thank you! How did y...