Forever: Chapter 14

The days, the months, and the years were passing, and everything was changing. Well, not quite everything. There was no force on earth strong enough to change Valerie and Timothy's love. Despite the miles that separated them and the years that passed, their love remained constant. The pain, too. Valerie reacted better to the cancer treatment than everyone expected. Two and a half years after she finished with the treatment, she had no symptoms of the disease and the cancer was not detected in her body. The cancer was in remission, but she continued every three months to go to her doctor for regular check-ups. Slowly, one day at a time, she was trying to return to her life as it was before the disease, but life without Timothy wasn't much of a life. Without Timothy, she was missing the most important piece of the mosaic. Without him, she felt an emptiness in her heart that nothing and no one could fill. Last year, Valerie rented a small one-bedroom apartment in East London...