
Forever: Chapter 16

On sunny days, Valerie loved to sit for hours at Trafalgar Square. While she was enjoying the warm sun, she was also taking pictures of London and Londoners. Even though the sun in London wasn't as hot as the Californian sun, she loved when the sun rays caressed her face and skin. More than she could ever imagine, she missed Santa Monica. She wasn't missing the hot Californian sun, but she was missing the life she had there. She was missing her family, her friends, for whom she wasn't sure if she should still call them her friends, and most of all, she was missing Timothy. She could live the rest of her life in a place with eternal ice and without the sun, but she could never get used to life without him. On this hot day by London standards, on Trafalgar Square, next to Valerie, sat a young couple of teenagers in love. They were around sixteen or seventeen, and they reminded her that she was also this happy with Timothy when she was at their age. She smiled, hoping that

Forever: Chapter 15

Six months after signing a contract with Mr. Archer, Timothy's book was on the shelves of the bookstores, and with every new week, the book had more and more readers. The book never made it to being among the top ten best selling books in America, but it was well accepted by both the readers and the critics. At the book readings, the bookstores were too small to accept all the fans that came to meet the author of the book they liked. Timothy went on a small book tour, visiting twenty-four cities, and every day, the people from all around the country were telling him how much they loved his work, how his book changed their lives, and how they were eagerly awaiting his next book. Sometimes the readers had a lot of unpleasant questions like, "Is there a woman who inspired you to write this epic love story?" or "Do you have a muse?", but Timothy always avoided talking about his personal life. Soon, an offer from Hollywood to make a movie based on his book arrive

Forever: Chapter 14

The days, the months, and the years were passing, and everything was changing. Well, not quite everything. There was no force on earth strong enough to change Valerie and Timothy's love. Despite the miles that separated them and the years that passed, their love remained constant. The pain, too. Valerie reacted better to the cancer treatment than everyone expected. Two and a half years after she finished with the treatment, she had no symptoms of the disease and the cancer was not detected in her body. The cancer was in remission, but she continued every three months to go to her doctor for regular check-ups. Slowly, one day at a time, she was trying to return to her life as it was before the disease, but life without Timothy wasn't much of a life. Without Timothy, she was missing the most important piece of the mosaic. Without him, she felt an emptiness in her heart that nothing and no one could fill. Last year, Valerie rented a small one-bedroom apartment in East London

Forever: Chapter 13

The reason Valerie left him, for Timothy, faded in importance as the days passed. The only important thing was that she wasn't there with him. When he was thinking about her, he always imagined her happy with that guy who he met in London. He was afraid that she had already erased him from her memory, as if he had never existed and had never been a part of her life. But why couldn't he do the same? If she could be happy without him, why couldn't he be happy without her? How wrong he was! If only he knew the truth, if only he knew about Valerie's fight for her life in the past six months, and if only he knew that the suffering caused by the disease was nothing compared to how much she suffered from being without him. Right now, she needed him more than ever. She needed his voice to comfort her and tell her that everything was going to be all right. Valerie needed him to put his hand on her shoulder and let her know that he'd always stay by her side, no matter what

Forever: Chapter 12

In the following weeks, Valerie continued her battle with the disease. Only people who have been through the same, or their loved ones, can understand what she was going through. Valerie was a very committed patient. She was always taking her medications on time, following the doctor's instructions, and she was never late to the appointments at the hospital. Her relatives never let her go alone to the doctor. There was always someone who accompanied her whenever she needed to go somewhere, and sometimes that bothered her, because that was making her feel much sicker than she really was. After a few weeks of negotiations, Rebecca and Scarlett have convinced Valerie to join a support group. Six years ago, Scarlett lost her father to pancreatic cancer, and she knew well how many benefits her father had gotten from his support group. In the beginning, Valerie was skeptical. She believed these groups were depressing and that the support group would only make her feel worse mentally,

Forever: Chapter 11

No matter how much Valerie's family wanted to be with her all the time, they couldn't. They had to return to their lives in Santa Monica. If she stayed just one day longer, Natasha risked losing her job. Tessa had obligations at college, and despite all the efforts, Philip couldn't work in London because he was in a different time zone from his clients. On the same day, when she came back home, Tessa went to collect Valerie's things. Valerie gave her the key and a list of things she left in her former apartment. Tessa was a regular guest in her sister's home, and it won't be difficult for her to find all the things from the list if Timothy, in a meantime didn't rearrange something. The place has changed since Valerie lived here. The kitchen was piled high with dirty dishes, a broken vase stood in the middle of the room, pizza leftovers sat on the table for who knows how long, and a pair of jeans lay on the living room floor... Tessa was surprised when

Forever: Chapter 10

Three weeks later, after Valerie went to London with her family, all kinds of stories began to circulate in the town. Everyone had their own version of why the Pattersons have left Santa Monica suddenly, without telling anyone, and where they went. There is always a friend of a friend, who witnessed something and who literally knows everything. It's strange how people we have never met in our lives know more about us and our lives than we know about ourselves. Every day Timothy was hearing a different story about Valerie, and the latest thing he heard about her, is that someone apparently saw her in London, in a shop while she was trying a wedding dress. From a "reliable source", the same person, nobody knows his or her name, found out that Valerie is rushing with the wedding because she is pregnant with her rich Englishman, and she doesn't want her stomach to show off on her wedding. Her family went with her, to help her with the preparations for the big day, and

Forever: Chapter 9

After he landed in London, Timothy took a taxi from the airport to Stella and Edward's house. When Stella opened the door and saw him standing in front of her with a suitcase in his hand, she got shocked. There was no need for Timothy to explain to her why he was there. She already knew, but she couldn't tell him that Valerie was in her home at that same moment. Valerie wouldn't like that. From his face, she could see how desperate he was to find her. He looked so tired and exhausted. Who knows when the last time he slept. "Stella, hi! Please, if you know, tell me where Valerie is. I'm trying to find her because I need to talk to her. Please help me! I'm begging you!" Timothy said. "Hello, Tim! I didn't expect you! Yes, I know what happened between you two, and I'm truly sorry. Will you please wait here for a moment?" Stella said, and she left him outside to wait. She couldn't let him in because Valerie's parents and Tessa w